Join EMAGYou can either join EMAG by downloading an application form by clicking here and posting it to us with a cheque. Or fill in the online form to the right and pay by credit card or debit card. You will be taken to a secure server for payment. Annual Subscription is £25. If you join EMAG online, we would be most grateful if you could enter your details accurately using upper and lower case letters. If you are joining in response to a mailing from EMAG please quote the seven digit reference number (beginning with 3) on the address page of the letter. You should receive a receipt for your subscription from Paypal, but we regret that because of the thousands of new members currently joining EMAG our volunteers will not be able to acknowledge receipt individually. You can use this form for renewal, although if you prefer to renew by post please click here to download the renewal form. To join EMAG online please fill in the form below* indicates a required field. |