The independent action group for current and ex Equitable Life policyholders, funded by contributions.

Equitable Members Action Group

Equitable Members Action Group Limited, a company limited by guarantee, number 5471535 registered in the UK


EMAG committee meeting minutes - 11 November '02 at the RAC, London

Present: Alex Henney, Paul Braithwaite, Rodney Allen, Betty McCann, Colin Slater, Leslie Seymour. Also present: Jane Saunders (for her presentation on EMAG's website) and Gabrielle de Pauw

Apologies for absence: Sir Jeremy Lever, Tom Lake, John Newman

  1. Treasurer's Report
    Betty McCann reported that the recent mailshot brought in approaching 1,000 new members and that EMAG still has funds well in excess of £100,000.

  2. Mailing - Governance
    Colin Slater said there were some problems of incomplete mail packs having been received. PB to renegotiate with mailing house.

  3. Update on website
    Jane Saunders gave a presentation about the new EMAG website and reported that usage of the site has almost trebled since its revamp. She reported that the most popular pages are correspondence, updates on the rectification scheme, news on Internationals and How can I help? A discussion led by JS followed on further improvements that could be made. With regard the EMAG survey, seven out of ten members who responded favoured changing to voting proportional to individual's fund value to replace one member one vote. The committee thanked Jane for her excellent work.

  4. Legal update.
    RA's letter from barristers' chambers was discussed. RA AH and PB to progress. It was agreed to investigate further whether there is a
    case for Denton Wilde Sapte to be pursued, despite the ELAS board having put this on hold.

  5. Progress re Penrose
    Leslie Seymour reported on meeting Lord Penrose (30th Oct). Lord Penrose had clarified that no materials supplied to him can be passed to the office of P O. He hopes to have completed before the end of 2003. Maxwellisation will cause delays. PB to coordinate submission of half a dozen case histories from EMAG members.

  6. LS raised the matters of indemnity insurance. LS to investigate. LS also raised the topic of starting local cells. There are a number of regional volunteers that have offered. Further thought needs to be given to a way of working.

  7. It was agreed that Alex Henney's draft letter to John Tiner and Roger Allen should be sent. AH is continuing to draft a detailed submission to the Penrose Inquiry.

  8. Paul Braithwaite reported on the "E 7" publicity success on Oct 29th , paid for by EMAG, and the meeting with the Tory party afterwards. He reported nil response as yet from the new P O to the "E 7" letter of Nov 4th.

  9. Colin Slater asked for and received approval for a budget to commission a sound 'forensic analysis' accounting bedrock from published records to create a base master-set of the movements of the W P fund through the 1990s. This, to compliment the work of
    Oliver Parsons.

  10. Paul Braithwaite reported good progress on the independent Ned Cazalet Report. It had been agreed to delay completion to fully incorporate the content of the imminent (=overdue) ELAS interim accounts

Date of next meeting: Thurs evening 12th December. Any EMAG member wishing to attend should contact emag@emag.org.uk

Gabrielle de Pauw and Paul Braithwaite
26th Nov '02